got a decent $200 job on today. let's hope I don't fuck it up.
also was given MXN100 extra on the local computer cleanup job I just finished today.
whenever I have to meet a client in a coffeeshop, it blows my daily food options out of the water. after a coffee, my allowance drops from MXN50 to MXN20 or so. so I tried some "poor man's ceviche": bought MXN10 worth of cabrilla: two small fillets of sea bass. went and found an orange tree growing over the sidewalk and picked a green orange off it. went to a park, cut open the orange, ripped the fillets into small pieces and squeezed the orange juice over them, in the same bag in which it had been wrapped by the vendor. kept squeezing the bag occasionally for an hour or so to make sure the juice was covering the fish. when I couldn't wait any longer I ate the ceviche. it tasted good. hoping I don't get violently ill from some bad bacteria.
I still had about 10 pesos left to spend, so got a roll at a panaderia for 4 pesos, and ate it, and can do the same again later if necessary.
last updated 2015-12-01 15:25:13. served from