/***************************************************************************** * "Gif-Lib" - Yet another gif library. * * * * Written by: Gershon Elber Ver 0.1, Jul. 1989 * ****************************************************************************** * Program to generate GIF image page from a given text by drawing the chars * * using 8 by 8 fixed font. * * Options: * * -q : quiet printing mode. * * -s ColorMapSize : in bits, i.e. 6 bits for 64 colors. * * -f ForeGroundIndex : by default foreground is 1. Must be in range 0..255. * * -c R G B : set the foregound color values. By default it is white. * * -t "Text" : Make a one-line GIF (8 pixels high) from the given Text. * * -h : on-line help. * ****************************************************************************** * History: * * 3 May 90 - Version 1.0 by Gershon Elber. * *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef __MSDOS__ #include #include #endif /* __MSDOS__ */ #ifndef __MSDOS__ #include #endif #include #include #include #include "gif_lib.h" #define PROGRAM_NAME "Text2Gif" #define MAX_NUM_TEXT_LINES 100 /* Maximum number of lines in file. */ #define LINE_LEN 256 /* Maximum length of one text line. */ #define DEFAULT_FG_INDEX 1 /* Text foreground index. */ #define DEFAULT_COLOR_RED 255 /* Text foreground color. */ #define DEFAULT_COLOR_GREEN 255 #define DEFAULT_COLOR_BLUE 255 #ifdef __MSDOS__ extern unsigned int _stklen = 16384; /* Increase default stack size. */ #endif /* __MSDOS__ */ #ifdef SYSV static char *VersionStr = "Gif library module \t\tGershon Elber\n\ (C) Copyright 1989 Gershon Elber.\n"; static char *CtrlStr = "Text2Gif q%- s%-ClrMapSize!d f%-FGClr!d c%-R|G|B!d!d!d t%-\"Text\"!s h%-"; #else static char *VersionStr = PROGRAM_NAME GIF_LIB_VERSION " Gershon Elber, " __DATE__ ", " __TIME__ "\n" "(C) Copyright 1989 Gershon Elber.\n"; static char *CtrlStr = PROGRAM_NAME " q%- s%-ClrMapSize!d f%-FGClr!d c%-R|G|B!d!d!d t%-\"Text\"!s h%-"; #endif /* SYSV */ static unsigned int RedColor = DEFAULT_COLOR_RED, GreenColor = DEFAULT_COLOR_GREEN, BlueColor = DEFAULT_COLOR_BLUE; static void QuitGifError(GifFileType *GifFile); static void GenRasterTextLine(GifRowType *RasterBuffer, char *TextLine, int BufferWidth, int ForeGroundIndex); /****************************************************************************** * Interpret the command line and generate the given GIF file. * ******************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, j, l, Error, ImageWidth, ImageHeight, NumOfLines, LogNumLevels, NumLevels, ClrMapSizeFlag = FALSE, ColorMapSize = 1, ColorFlag = FALSE, ForeGroundIndex = DEFAULT_FG_INDEX, ForeGroundFlag = FALSE, TextLineFlag = FALSE, HelpFlag = FALSE; char *TextLines[MAX_NUM_TEXT_LINES], Line[LINE_LEN]; GifRowType RasterBuffer[GIF_FONT_HEIGHT]; ColorMapObject *ColorMap; GifFileType *GifFile; if (ForeGroundIndex > 255 || ForeGroundIndex < 1) GIF_EXIT("Foregound (-f) should be in the range 1..255, aborted."); if (ColorMapSize > 8 || ColorMapSize < 1) GIF_EXIT("ColorMapSize (-s) should be in the range 1..8, aborted."); if (TextLineFlag) { NumOfLines = 1; ImageHeight = GIF_FONT_HEIGHT; ImageWidth = GIF_FONT_WIDTH * strlen(TextLines[0]); } else { NumOfLines = l = 0; while (fgets(Line, LINE_LEN - 1, stdin)) { for (i = strlen(Line); i > 0 && Line[i-1] <= ' '; i--); Line[i] = 0; if (l < i) l = i; TextLines[NumOfLines++] = strdup(Line); if (NumOfLines == MAX_NUM_TEXT_LINES) GIF_EXIT("Input file has too many lines, aborted."); } if (NumOfLines == 0) GIF_EXIT("No input text, aborted."); ImageHeight = GIF_FONT_HEIGHT * NumOfLines; ImageWidth = GIF_FONT_WIDTH * l; } /* Allocate the raster buffer for GIF_FONT_HEIGHT scan lines (one text line). */ for (i = 0; i < GIF_FONT_HEIGHT; i++) if ((RasterBuffer[i] = (GifRowType) malloc(sizeof(GifPixelType) * ImageWidth)) == NULL) GIF_EXIT("Failed to allocate memory required, aborted."); /* Open stdout for the output file: */ if ((GifFile = EGifOpenFileHandle(1)) == NULL) QuitGifError(GifFile); /* Dump out screen description with given size and generated color map: */ for (LogNumLevels = 1, NumLevels = 2; NumLevels < ForeGroundIndex; LogNumLevels++, NumLevels <<= 1); if (NumLevels < (1 << ColorMapSize)) { NumLevels = (1 << ColorMapSize); LogNumLevels = ColorMapSize; } if ((ColorMap = MakeMapObject(NumLevels, NULL)) == NULL) GIF_EXIT("Failed to allocate memory required, aborted."); for (i = 0; i < NumLevels; i++) ColorMap->Colors[i].Red = ColorMap->Colors[i].Green = ColorMap->Colors[i].Blue = 0; ColorMap->Colors[ForeGroundIndex].Red = RedColor; ColorMap->Colors[ForeGroundIndex].Green = GreenColor; ColorMap->Colors[ForeGroundIndex].Blue = BlueColor; if (EGifPutScreenDesc(GifFile, ImageWidth, ImageHeight, LogNumLevels, 0, ColorMap) == GIF_ERROR) QuitGifError(GifFile); /* Dump out the image descriptor: */ if (EGifPutImageDesc(GifFile, 0, 0, ImageWidth, ImageHeight, FALSE, NULL) == GIF_ERROR) QuitGifError(GifFile); GifQprintf("\n%s: Image 1 at (%d, %d) [%dx%d]: ", PROGRAM_NAME, GifFile->Image.Left, GifFile->Image.Top, GifFile->Image.Width, GifFile->Image.Height); for (i = l = 0; i < NumOfLines; i++) { GenRasterTextLine(RasterBuffer, TextLines[i], ImageWidth, ForeGroundIndex); for (j = 0; j < GIF_FONT_HEIGHT; j++) { if (EGifPutLine(GifFile, RasterBuffer[j], ImageWidth) == GIF_ERROR) QuitGifError(GifFile); GifQprintf("\b\b\b\b%-4d", l++); } } if (EGifCloseFile(GifFile) == GIF_ERROR) QuitGifError(GifFile); return 0; } /****************************************************************************** * Close output file (if open), and exit. * ******************************************************************************/ static void GenRasterTextLine(GifRowType *RasterBuffer, char *TextLine, int BufferWidth, int ForeGroundIndex) { char c; unsigned char Byte, Mask; int i, j, k, CharPosX, Len = strlen(TextLine); for (i = 0; i < BufferWidth; i++) for (j = 0; j < GIF_FONT_HEIGHT; j++) RasterBuffer[j][i] = 0; for (i = CharPosX = 0; i < Len; i++, CharPosX += GIF_FONT_WIDTH) { c = TextLine[i]; for (j = 0; j < GIF_FONT_HEIGHT; j++) { Byte = AsciiTable[c][j]; for (k = 0, Mask = 128; k < GIF_FONT_WIDTH; k++, Mask >>= 1) if (Byte & Mask) RasterBuffer[j][CharPosX + k] = ForeGroundIndex; } } } /****************************************************************************** * Close output file (if open), and exit. * ******************************************************************************/ static void QuitGifError(GifFileType *GifFile) { PrintGifError(); if (GifFile != NULL) EGifCloseFile(GifFile); exit(1); }