%!ps-nonconforming % John Comeau's sloppy signature /inch {72 mul} def 3 inch 5 inch moveto /Helvetica 10 selectfont currentpoint translate % uncomment the following line for debugging if you can't see anything %(here i am) show % uncomment the following line for debugging to magnify the view %3 3 scale -50 -1 -10 10 10 10 curveto currentpoint translate 20 0 20 -14 0 -15 curveto currentpoint translate -15 0 -15 7 0 10 curveto currentpoint translate 20 3 40 0 40 0 curveto currentpoint translate 10 0 10 -5 0 -6 curveto currentpoint translate -60 -10 -58 1 -35 2 curveto currentpoint translate 30 3 100 0 100 0 curveto stroke showpage