jc blog - tales of a modern-day nomadic hunter-gatherer

Follow jcomeau_ictx on Twitter This is the weblog of Intrepid Wanderer. You never know what you might find here; graphic descriptions of bodily functions, computer programming secrets, proselytizing for the antichrist, miscellaneous ranting and kvetching, valuable information on living off the land... if you don't share my rather weird interests you may want to try slashdot instead.

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You can find me easily in google searches, as jcomeau, jcomeau_ictx, or jcomeauictx. There are lots of other jcomeaus, but AFAIK I'm the only jcomeau_ictx out there so far.

If you want to comment on anything you see here, try the new Facebook comments, reachable by clicking the "[comment]" link at the end of each post. If for some reason that isn't working, go ahead and email me, jc.unternet.net. You know what to do with the first dot. Make the 'subject' line something reasonably intelligent-looking or it goes plunk! into the spambasket unread.

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Another dust storm today, followed by a light rain. As it was approaching, I had hit a rabbit with at least two bolts, but it was still getting away from me. I had to run for cover, and the fucker got away.

Later I hit another one, and that time I ran after it as it was trying to drag itself away half-paralyzed. I held it down and drove two bolts through its brain before it quieted down. Fried it up and threw it into the soup for tomorrow. But just as I'm having good luck again, I'm almost out of bolts. [comment]


There's a fireworks stand just north of Sun Valley Hardware in Deming. Perfect for me, picked up some sparklers while waiting for the bus home. Now if I can find my aluminum powder in all that mess in my place, I can experiment with some thermite reactions. [comment]


I tried some butcher's sawdust, aserrin, for lunch today. Wasn't very tasty, but probably healthy with all that bone meal; and at MX$3 per kilo, about 15 cents a pound, it's damned affordable. A good recipe might make a big difference too. [comment]


A jackrabbit was trying to get some nourishment from mesquite bark. He must have seen me coming but he didn't care. I stopped about 30 feet away and fired all 5 bolts, one after the other, taking slow and careful aim each shot. Missed every goddamned time. Found some of the bolts and followed him, but he kept slinking away. I'd better improve my aim soon, before the rains improve their food supply; this malnourishment is a great opportunity, and I'm missing it. [comment]


Rain, glorious rain! Not enough, but lasted from late afternoon till midnight or so. The first real precipitation we've had here in maybe 8 months or so. [comment]


The scrub forest approaching Gallup from the East is what my desert could look like with some coaxing. Ill have to come back and get some seedlings someday.

Several people have mentioned to me the idea of making some money with the computer "gigs" on Craigslist. Might be a better chance than trying to get the USPS to let me work only a few weeks per year.

Im so happy I brought my Oxygen scooter on this last trip to LA for the Electronic technician exam. Compared to skates, it is so much more stable, easy to use, pain-free, quick to mount and dismount, and easy to brake.

I got a ride with some friends from Columbus to Santa Monica; thought about spending some time on the beach but nixed it, heading to the city along Wilshire, going sometimes 4 blocks at a time propelled just by gravity on my scooter. Stopped in Koreatown, at the Choi Ganei Restaurant at 3916 Wilshire Blvd., for the spicy squid and a large bottle of OB beer. They made me pay in advance, probably because of my appearance. The squid was better than what I had at Coco Bang in San Fran last month, but still not as spicy as what I remember from east coast Korean restaurants.

Kennebunkport Porter has a nice chocolate flavor, like Mackesons Triple Stout. Found it at Trader Joe's on La Brea and 3rd, on my way to meet my Couchsurfing hosts for the night before the test.

Got up early Thursday and caught the Wilshire express bus downtown. Waited at 7th and Olive for the Foothills Transit bus. Some of them have free wifi! I figure I got at least 80 on the test, and hopefully close to 100. Had to guess on way too many, though. Left the test early, went to McD's for lunch, and caught buses back to LA downtown. Left my pack open, goddammit. Lost, at least, my drybag with chargers for my iPod and camera my tarp/poncho, and my two shopping bags. Not over $50 worth of stuff, probably, but annoying. Went to Home Depot on Wilshire just past downtown and got a locknut to replace the knurled nut that fell off my scooter.

Then went back to Hank's bar, which threw me out last time I was in town. No problem in early afternoon; there was a nice-looking, pleasant bartender (Ally) and only a few customers. Had a few beers and went to Greyhound. Thought I might have to wait till 0200 for a $63 fare to Deming, but no, there was one scheduled to leave in just a few minutes, at about 1830. Arrived in Deming about 0930 the next morning, did some shopping, and ate a burger at The Patio, outside of Pepper's while I waited for the Corre Caminos bus to Deming. [comment]


I saw a few good flicks recently: Reign Over Me (normally Sandler makes me gag but he does an awesome job here), Sling Blade, Motorcycle Diaries (supposedly about Che Guevara), and peaceful Warrior.

Haven't bagged any more rabbits but it's only a matter of time. They're plentiful, undernourished, and slow. Even the jackrabbits are getting sluggish.

Still trying to simplify my HPV to something I can do easily. Thinking about something with 3 to 6 legs rather than wheels.

LEDs are so fucking expensive at Digi-Key, but prices on manufactured goods are constantly dropping. I saw an "LED hanging tent light" at Wally World for $6.74, that had maybe 20 of 'em in it. Almost doesn't make any sense to roll your own.

Left a note for the Pepper's (Deming supermarket) manager to stock Downtown Brown ale, and he agreed! The first two cases should arrive Tuesday. Just another small way I can build my universe the way I want it.

My cough is just about gone, but I'm still spitting phlegm, as predicted. I should be eating more hot peppers, but know that I won't until I get to the point where I'm growing my own. [comment]


A first for me; I shot across the arroyo, a good 20 feet if not 30 or more, and dropped a cottontail dead with a bolt right through his brain. Frying it up in olive oil now, and will make a stew later, along with lamb and some veggies, to soften the meat. [comment]


Forgot to mention that, though they were checking bags at the LA station, they weren't checking pockets. I got to keep my knife and cork puller, at least until the next trip. I'm planning on taking the Electronic Technician test for the Anaheim mail processing facility later this month.

Coughing and spitting out phlegm since yesterday. All that bad food and lack of sleep on my last trip were probably to blame. At least I managed to finish one of my projects yesterday; the walkway into my underground house. [comment]

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